
Love like you've never been hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live today like it's your last, Dance like no one's watching

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes it's funny when you start to smile right after weeping
Tears of joy? Not really.
It's tears of gratitude I'd say
I'm thankful to live with what I have now
Even if I'm "far out of the sea" or "close in the summer daylight"
I'll learn what I don't know
I'll explore the impossible
I'll live in the moment
I want to appreciate every little bittersweet thing
Maybe this place is the right choice
As I've never laughed so much before
Nevertheless, I'm still the same
I still miss what's not here
Friends pass away:that's true
Memories don't
Well, I understand the impermanence of life
"We were best friends and we're not anymore"
"We were lovers and we're not anymore"
Yes, I understand clearly.
I wept but started to smile later on

When things don't go your way, just accept it
It's how you accept life
If you accept joy, you have to accept sorrow
If you pass this hurdle, you'll be wiser and stronger
Remember, the more you tremble, the less you crumble

"Away they have gone
to a far land
no longer to come again
never to hold my hand
all that now remains
are lovely unwashed memories
which are like footprints on sand"

Everything is different
It's funny when I try to think about it
My senses have changed
My perceptions
My goals
My instincts
My lovely friends
I don't have the same friends anymore
Friendships don't last but it's possible to last long
Depends on how much you value friendship

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Freezing your smile
After you walked a mile
Carried rocks till now
Thought came across in a while
Ringing, vibrating like a crowd
Forming new vision of art
Predicted the dart to be sharp
Amateur finds the heart
Then expectations grew from guts

Tough ground became soft
Bound to be lost
As you are your boss
Track on the source
Tougher, ready for shots
With the ground or not
Life not like God
It's a funny cloud

The poem above is about how I feel about my results..


  • ENG: A+
  • BM: A-
  • MATHS: A-
  • SEJ:A-
  • CHEM: A-
  • BIO: B+
  • PHY: B+
  • EST: B+
  • MORAL: B+

Conclusion: I feel contented although my expectations contradict the results.


  1. Life expectations are not guaranteed
  2. Move on, don't cry over spilt milk
  3. Find your inner strength
  4. Take your weaknesses as your strength for now
  5. Start anew
  6. Plan your life
  7. Dare to dream
  8. Encompass positivity
  9. Reach for your goals
  10. Life's brief candle so appreciate



Friday, March 5, 2010

Every second counts

Bad days come and go
Escape is a no
Understand is the goal
If one could fathom the meaning of everyday life
Bad days become challenging
Complaints don't exist
Patience is persisted
When good days come people forget
What bad days teach them
They tend to procastinate
Wake up calls emerge from bad atmosphere
Chances can either be grabbed or flown away
Your choice to lead the way
Your hands to take and keep it

If one is at peace when bad times occur
Life is never remorseful
Nothing is impossible if you believe
Things you do reflect who you are
Who you are makes what you'll become
No matter how well you've become
WHO YOU REALLY ARE is the peak

Living without treachery and deceit erase worries
It's our onus to find our way of peaceful living in order to complete the incomplete
Peace cannot be obtained.
It's just like happiness.
It's already within your soul that hasn't started to flare
Being with only yourself starts the mission
Then slowly, you and The Divine/Universe
This feeling will go far
It doesn't make you feel good nor bad
It's just emptiness/peace/gratitude
From here, happiness is the treasure

The moment is never later
Be determined for clarity first
Then, you will know what's most important right now
Not about the past but now
Which now gives you your future
Just do it now
Be positive & courageous


Today was fabulously great because I laughed A LOT!
Danced and made noise during "Big Noise" event
Just came back after watching Alice In The Wonderland 3D
Yes, $22. hmm. Shopped a little before that
Clothes here are my food
When it's my birthday I just want clothes for my b'day present :)
Tomorrow, it's the Amazing Race!
Of course I'm EXCITED
Winner gets extra 2 Gigs a month for 3 months (each member in a group)
Group name's elephant. LOL!
We'll do our best!! =)